​Alice Ji's Piano Studio
Professional Classical Piano Lessons in Arlington and McLean, Virginia

Welcome to the Studio – Home of Professional Classical Piano Lessons for Adults and Selected, Committed Pre-College Students
Music is my passion.
my mission.
- Alice Ji
Why choose Alice Ji
Ms. Ji has been teaching piano in D. C. metro area for more than 10 years since 2009.
Her top students have won auditions and competitions, and they have performed such prestigious venues as the Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, Strathmore Mansion, and Steinway Hall.
Students have successfully passed world-renowned and rigorous performance assessments such as ABRSM, RCM, and TRINITY Examinations with distinction.
Some of her students have been studying with her for more than 10 consecutive years.
Studio News
[March 2025] The Studio is currently accepting adult students only.​​​​
[June 8, 2025] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA
[June 7, 2025] WMTA Adult Musicale
[Spring, 2025] Piano Guild Auditions and ABRSM Examinations
[Spring, 2025] Adult Student Recital (to celebrate the 150th birthday of the French composer Maurice Ravel) at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA
[March 9, 2025] WMTA Baroque Festival (K-12)
[February 8, 2025] WMTA Adult Musicale
[January 2, 2025] Lessons resume
[December 21, 2024 - January 1, 2025] Winter Break - Studio Closed
[December 15, 2024] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA
[November 16, 2024] NVMTA Fall Festival (K-12)
Results: Ella & Sage - Superior, Belle - Excellent
[November 9, 2024] WMTA Adult Recital (Judged Recital)
[October 20, 2024] Adult Student Recital at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA
[September 3, 2024] First day of Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 academic year
[September 2, 2024] Labor Day - Studio Closed (No Lessons)
[August 3, 2024] Adult Student Community Outreach Recital at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA
[July 1, 2024] Summer lessons begin
[June 18 - 30, 2024] Summer Break - No lessons
[June 13, 2024] ABRSM Examinations Results:
Emily (Practical Grade 8) - Merit
Francesca (Practical Grade 4) - Distinction
[June 8, 2024] Ms. Ji adjudicated at Piano Guild online auditions.
[June 8, 2024] Piano Guild Video Auditions
[June 7, 2024] ABRSM Examinations​
[June 1, 2024] WMTA Adult Musicale
[May 27, 2024] Memorial Day - No Lessons
[May 19, 2024] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music
[April 20, 2024] Adult Student Performance Class
[March 2, 2024] WMTA Anthony Chanaka Classical Festival
[February 25, 2024] Hungarian Music Piano Competition
[February 10, 2024] WMTA Adult Musicale
[January 2024] The Studio welcomes three new adult students: Cole, Kristi, and Xinyan.
[January 2, 2024] Lessons resume
[December 20, 2023 ~ January 1, 2024] Winter Break (No Lessons)
[December 2023] The Studio welcomes three new students: Adelle, Belle, and Mae.
[December 16, 2023] Community Outreach Recital at VHC
[December 3, 2023] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music
[November 23 ~ 26, 2023] Thanksgiving Break (No Lessons)
[November 11, 2023] WMTA Adult Recital
[October 28, 2023] Adult Student Studio Group Class at N Arlington Studio
[October 2023] Max Yoon wond 3rd prize at Charleston Contemporaroy Misoc Competition. Congratualtions!
[July, 2023] Max Yoon won 3rd prize at the Beethoven Young Musicine International Online Competition. Congratulations!
[July 8, 2023] Community Outreach Recital at Virginia Hospital Center
(selected K-12 and adult students and Ms. Ji)
[June 4, 2023] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA
[May 20, 2023] WMTA Adult Musicale
[May 14, 2023] WMTA Hartman Awards Result:
Marcus Yoon - Third Prize
[April 22, 2023] Adult Studio Performance Class at a private residence in McLean, VA
[April 16, 2023] WMTA Bach/Baroque Competition Result:
Marcus Yoon - Third Prize
[March 18, 2023] WMTA Baroque Festival
[January 3, 2023] Lessons resume
[December 28, 2022] Online International Clara Schumann Competition Result:
Piano 4 Hands: Max and Marcus - Fourth Prize
[December 24, 2022 - January 2, 2023] Winter Break (No Lessons)
[December 17, 2022] Community Outreach Performance at Virginia Hospital Center
(selected K-12 and adult advanced students and Alice Ji)
[December 11, 2022] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA
[December 10, 2022] Adult Students Studio Performance Class
[November 2022] ABRSM Practical Examination Result: Emily Grade 6 - Merit, Francesca Grade 3 - Merit
[November 2022] Prodigy International Music Competition Result:
Max Yoon - 2nd Prize
[October 2022] ABRSM Performance Grade 6 Examination Result:
Sophia Huang - Distinction
[November 19, 2022] WMTA Adult Recital
[November 2022] ABRSM Practical Grades Examinations (in-person)
[September 1, 2022] First day of Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 academic year
6/4/2022: Adult Student Studio Performance Class (In-Person)
5/22/2022: NVMTA Sonata Festival at George Mason University
5/22/2022: Winners Recital - Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition
5/21/2022: WMTA Adult Musicale at Hedy Bannon's Residence
May 2022: Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition 2022 Result:
Max & Marcus Yoon have been chosen as a First Prize Winner.
5/8/2022: WMTA The Viola Hartman Piano Performance Awards at Catholic University,
Washington, D. C.
Result: Marcus Yoon received Honorable Mention.
5/1/2022: Spring Recital (K-12) at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA
2/26/2022: NVMTA Bach/Baroque Festival (Video submission) and Competition (In-person)
Results: All my students received "Superior", the highest score.
2/5/2022: WMTA Adult Musicale - Zoom event
2022 Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition Winners:
Max Yoon - First Prize
Marcus Yoon - First Prize
Both Max and Marcus have been selected to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in July, 2022.
January 2022: Alice Ji will adjudicate at the Young Artist Award Competition (virtual - video submission) presented by the city of Gaithersburg, MD.
12/12/2021: Max, Peter, Tom, and Alice performed at the Virginia Hospital Center.
12/12/2021: Online Winter Recital (K-12)
11/20/2021: Tom performed at the WMTA Adult Recital.
2021 Sejong Music Competition Winner:
Marcus Yoon (age 10) - First Place
10/30/2021: Marcus and Max Yoon performed at the Bruno Walter Auditorium at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
10/16/2021: Adult Piano Performance Class (In-Person)
AFAF Online International Competition Results:
Marcus Yoon (age 10) - 1st Place
Max Yoon (age 13) - 2nd Place
June 2021: In-Person & Online Piano Lessons Available.
June 2021: ABRSM Performance Grades Exam - video submission
WMTA Hartman Awards Result:
Marcus (age 10) received an Honorable Mention.
5/28/2021: Online Spring Recital (Adult)
5/22/2021: WMTA Adult Musicale - Online Zoom Event
5/19/2021: Online Spring Recital (K-12)
5/9/2021: WMTA The Viola Hartman Piano Performance Awards
4/17/2021: WMTA Bach/Baroque Competition
3/27/2021: WMTA Baroque Festival - Online Zoom Event
2/06/2021: WMTA Adult Musicale - Online Zoom Event
12/24/2020 - 1/1/2021: Winter Break (No Lessons)
12/13/2020: Online Winter Recital (K-12)
12/13/2020: Online Winter Recital - Adult Students
(In honor of Ludvig van Beethoven's 250th birthday)
12/12/2020: Deadline for performance video submissions
11/28/2020: The Studio welcomes Tyrus, a new adult student.
10/31/2020: Online Halloween Recital (K-12)
October 2020: The Studio welcomes Rupal, a new adult student.
Fall 2020: Accepting new students for online lessons only.
September 2020: The Studio welcomes Christine, a new adult student.
8/31/2020: Online Summer Adult Student Recital
8/30/2020: Online Summer Student Recital (K-12)
6/3/2020: Online Spring Student Recital (K-12)
6/1/2020: Inaugural Online Spring Adult Student Recital
5/29/2020: Deadline for performance video submissions for online recital.
ISM Honors' Auditions Results: Lauren T (16) and Anton C (13) have been selected to perform at the Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall in November 2020.
3/22/2020: Due to COVID-19, the studio offers online piano lessons until further notice.
3/13/2020: Online lessons available
3/28/2020: Washington D.C. Music Teachers Association (WMTA) Event - Anthony Chanaka Classical Festival at Jordan Kitts Music, Rockville, MD (Cancelled)
3/9/2020: Community Outreach performance - Georgetown Senior Center's Enrichment Program at St. John's Episcopal Church
2/1/2020: WMTA Adult Musicale at Steinway Gallery, North Bethesda
Peter (adult) performed Frederic Chopin's Ballade No. 3 in A-flat Major, Op. 47.
1/26/2020: ISM Adult Student Recital at American University
1/5/2020: Young Artist Award Competition in Gaithersburg, MD
Miss Ji will serve as a jury member at the 2020 Young Artist Award Competition at Kentlands Mansion in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
12/22/2019: ISM Student Recital at American University
12/15/2019: Winter Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music
11/23/2019: WMTA Adult Judged Recital
Peter (adult) performed as a piano duo at the WMTA Adult Recital.
October 2019: The Studio welcomes a new adult student Sam, a graduate student at GW.
September 2019: The Studio welcomes seven new students -
Brandon, Chetan, Eliana, Ethan, Malia, Max and Maya.
Spring 2019 TRINITY Piano Exam Result:
Peter (adult) successfully performed a 40-minute recital program at the Exam and earned a Licentiate (LTCL) Performance Diploma.
7/13/2019: ISM Honors Concert at the Carnegie Hall, NY
Andrea (age 11) has been selected to perform at the Carnegie Hall, NY.
May 2019 ABRSM Piano Exam Result:
Emily (age 10) successfully passed ABRSM Exam Grade 3 with distinction.
6/15/2019: WMTA Adult Musicale - Steinway Piano Gallery, North Bethesda, MD
5/5/2019: Spring Recital - Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA
4/16/2019: WMTA Haydn Sonata Awards Result
Andrea (age 11) was awarded honorable mention at the Junior Division.
4/8/2019: Georgetown Senior at St. John's Episcopal Church Peter performed for Georgetown Senior at the St. John's Episcopal Church in Georgetown, DC.
3/17/2019: WMTA Student Musicale
Andrea (age 10) performed at the WMTA Student Musicale.
3/7/2019: FMMC Concert at Strathmore Mansion
Alice performed piano duet works with Dr. Irina Koulikova at the Strathmore Mansion
2/9/2019: WMTA Adult Musical
Peter(adult) performed Dussek's Piano Sonata at the WMTA Adult Musical.
2/2/2019: YAA Competition in Gaithersburg, MD
Alice adjudicated at the 2019 Young Artist Awards Competition at Arts Barn in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
12/21/2018: Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater Performance
Alice and her student Andrea (age 10) performed at the Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater.
12/16/2018:Community Outreach Concert
Peter (adult) performed at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.
11/17/2018: WMTA Adult Judged Recital
Peter (adult) performed Faure's Nocturne at the WMTA Adult Recital.
November 2018 ABRSM Piano Exam Result:
Emily (age 10) successfully passed her first ABRSM Exam Grade 1 with distinction.
5/13/2018: WMTA V. Hartman Piano Awards Competition Result
Andrea (age 10): Second Prize
4/23/2018: ISM Honors Auditions Result
Both Andrea (age 10) and Annette (age 10) were selected to perform at the Honors Recital at the Strathmore Mansion on Friday, June 8, 2018.
2/11/2018: WMTA Adult Musicale
Peter (adult) performed at the WMTA Adult Musicale.
1/24/2018: ISM Honors Auditions Result
Jaden (age 13) was selected to perform at the Honors Recital at the Carnegie Hall on Saturday, March 24, 2018.
1/17/2018: Alice's Piano Duo Performance
Alice is scheduled to perform piano duo at the Friday Morning Music Club's Jordan Kitts Concert in Rockville, MD.
=> Rescheduled for March 14, 2018.
11/11/2017: WMTA Adult Recital
An adult student's piano solo and duo performance
11/3/2017: Alice's Piano Duet Performance
Friday Morning Music Club's Concert Series at Calvery Baptist Church, Washington D.C.
10/22/2017: WMTA Student Musicale
Students performed at the WMTA Student Musicale.
10/20/2017: Masterclass Application Result
My student has been accepted as a student performer at Dr. Michael Angelucci's Masterclass on October 29th.
Now Accepting Students for Summer - Fall 2017/Spring 2018 Lessons
5/20/2017: WMTA Adult Student Musicale
Peter performed both piano solo and duo works at the Steinway Gallery Hall.
4/7/2017: Alice's Performance
Alice Ji will perform at the Friday Morning Music Club Mini Concert Series at the Jordan Kitt's Music in Rockville, MD.
2/4/2017: Adjudication
Alice Ji adjudicated at the 2017 Young Artist Awards Competition - Piano division - in Kentlands Mansion (Gaithersburg, MD).
1/21/2017: ISM Honors Auditions Result
Caylin(age 13) and Jaden(age 12) performed at the Weill Recital Hall at the Carnegie Hall as a winner of ISM Honors Auditions.
1/6/2017: ALice's Performance
Alice Ji performed at the Friday Morning Music Club's Concert Series at the historic Calvary Baptist Church in Washington DC.