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Gaithersburg Piano Lessons, Gaithersburg Piano Teacher

Welcome to the Studio – Home of Professional Classical Piano Lessons for Adults and Selected, Committed Pre-College Students

Music is my passion.
my mission.
- Alice Ji

 Why choose Alice Ji


  • Ms. Ji has been teaching piano in D. C. metro area for more than 10 years since 2009.

  • Her top students have won auditions and competitions, and they have performed such prestigious venues as the Carnegie Hall, Lincoln CenterKennedy Center, Strathmore Mansion, and Steinway Hall.

  • Students have successfully passed world-renowned and rigorous performance assessments such as ABRSM, RCM, and TRINITY Examinations with distinction.

  • Some of her students have been studying with her for more than 10 consecutive years.

Studio News









[March 2025] The Studio is currently accepting adult students only.​​​​


[June 8, 2025] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA


[June 7, 2025] WMTA Adult Musicale


[Spring, 2025] Piano Guild Auditions and ABRSM Examinations


[Spring, 2025] Adult Student Recital (to celebrate the 150th birthday of the French composer Maurice Ravel) at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA


[March 9, 2025] WMTA Baroque Festival (K-12)


[February 8, 2025] WMTA Adult Musicale


[January 2, 2025] Lessons resume


[December 21, 2024 - January 1, 2025] Winter Break - Studio Closed


[December 15, 2024] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA


[November 16, 2024] NVMTA Fall Festival (K-12)

Results: Ella & Sage - Superior, Belle - Excellent


[November 9, 2024] WMTA Adult Recital (Judged Recital)


[October 20, 2024] Adult Student Recital at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA


[September 3, 2024] First day of Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 academic year


[September 2, 2024] Labor Day - Studio Closed (No Lessons)


[August 3, 2024] Adult Student Community Outreach Recital at The Jefferson, Arlington, VA


[July 1, 2024] Summer lessons begin


[June 18 - 30, 2024] Summer Break - No lessons


[June 13, 2024] ABRSM Examinations Results:


Emily (Practical Grade 8) - Merit

Francesca (Practical Grade 4) - Distinction


[June 8, 2024] Ms. Ji adjudicated at Piano Guild online auditions.


[June 8, 2024] Piano Guild Video Auditions


[June 7, 2024] ABRSM Examinations​


[June 1, 2024] WMTA Adult Musicale


[May 27, 2024] Memorial Day - No Lessons


[May 19, 2024] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music


[April 20, 2024] Adult Student Performance Class 


[March 2, 2024] WMTA Anthony Chanaka Classical Festival


[February 25, 2024] Hungarian Music Piano Competition


[February 10, 2024] WMTA Adult Musicale


[January 2024] The Studio welcomes three new adult students: Cole, Kristi, and Xinyan.


[January 2, 2024] Lessons resume


[December 20, 2023 ~ January 1, 2024] Winter Break (No Lessons)


[December 2023] The Studio welcomes three new students: Adelle, Belle, and Mae.


[December 16, 2023] Community Outreach Recital at VHC


[December 3, 2023] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music


[November 23 ~ 26, 2023] Thanksgiving Break (No Lessons)


[November 11, 2023] WMTA Adult Recital 


[October 28, 2023] Adult Student Studio Group Class at N Arlington Studio


[October 2023] Max Yoon wond 3rd prize at Charleston Contemporaroy Misoc Competition. Congratualtions!


[July, 2023] Max Yoon won 3rd prize at the Beethoven Young Musicine International Online Competition. Congratulations!


[July 8, 2023] Community Outreach Recital at Virginia Hospital Center

(selected K-12 and adult students and Ms. Ji) 


















[June 4, 2023] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA

















[May 20, 2023] WMTA Adult Musicale


[May 14, 2023] WMTA Hartman Awards Result:

Marcus Yoon - Third Prize


[April 22, 2023] Adult Studio Performance Class at a private residence in McLean, VA


[April 16, 2023] WMTA Bach/Baroque Competition Result:

Marcus Yoon - Third Prize


[March 18, 2023] WMTA Baroque Festival


[January 3, 2023] Lessons resume


[December 28, 2022] Online International Clara Schumann Competition Result:

Piano 4 Hands: Max and Marcus - Fourth Prize


[December 24, 2022 - January 2, 2023] Winter Break (No Lessons)


[December 17, 2022] Community Outreach Performance at Virginia Hospital Center

(selected K-12 and adult advanced students and Alice Ji) 















[December 11, 2022] K-12 Student Recital at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA


[December 10, 2022] Adult Students Studio Performance Class 


[November 2022] ABRSM Practical Examination Result: Emily Grade 6 - Merit, Francesca Grade 3 - Merit


[November 2022] Prodigy International Music Competition Result:

Max Yoon - 2nd Prize


[October 2022] ABRSM Performance Grade 6 Examination Result:

Sophia Huang - Distinction 


[November 19, 2022] WMTA Adult Recital 


[November 2022] ABRSM Practical Grades Examinations (in-person)


[September 1, 2022] First day of Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 academic year




6/4/2022: Adult Student Studio Performance Class (In-Person)


5/22/2022: NVMTA Sonata Festival at George Mason University


5/22/2022: Winners Recital - Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition


5/21/2022: WMTA Adult Musicale at Hedy Bannon's Residence


May 2022: Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition 2022 Result:

Max & Marcus Yoon have been chosen as a First Prize Winner.


5/8/2022: WMTA The Viola Hartman Piano Performance Awards at Catholic University, 

Washington, D. C.

Result: Marcus Yoon received Honorable Mention.


5/1/2022: Spring Recital (K-12) at Jordan Kitts Music, Fairfax, VA


2/26/2022: NVMTA Bach/Baroque Festival (Video submission) and Competition (In-person)

Results: All my students received "Superior", the highest score.


2/5/2022: WMTA Adult Musicale - Zoom event


2022 Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition Winners:

  • Max Yoon - First Prize

  • Marcus Yoon - First Prize

Both Max and Marcus have been selected to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in July, 2022.


January 2022: Alice Ji will adjudicate at the Young Artist Award Competition (virtual - video submission) presented by the city of Gaithersburg, MD.


12/12/2021: Max, Peter, Tom, and Alice performed at the Virginia Hospital Center. 


12/12/2021: Online Winter Recital (K-12)


11/20/2021: Tom performed at the WMTA Adult Recital.


2021 Sejong Music Competition Winner:

Marcus Yoon (age 10) - First Place



10/30/2021: Marcus and Max Yoon performed at the Bruno Walter Auditorium at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.


10/16/2021: Adult Piano Performance Class (In-Person)


AFAF Online International Competition Results:


Marcus Yoon (age 10) - 1st Place

Max Yoon (age 13) - 2nd Place



June 2021: In-Person & Online Piano Lessons Available.


June 2021: ABRSM Performance Grades Exam - video submission


WMTA Hartman Awards Result:

Marcus (age 10) received an Honorable Mention.


5/28/2021: Online Spring Recital (Adult)


5/22/2021: WMTA Adult Musicale - Online Zoom Event


5/19/2021: Online Spring Recital (K-12)


5/9/2021: WMTA The Viola Hartman Piano Performance Awards


4/17/2021: WMTA Bach/Baroque Competition


3/27/2021: WMTA Baroque Festival - Online Zoom Event


2/06/2021: WMTA Adult Musicale - Online Zoom Event


12/24/2020 - 1/1/2021: Winter Break (No Lessons)


12/13/2020: Online Winter Recital (K-12)


12/13/2020: Online Winter Recital - Adult Students 

(In honor of Ludvig van Beethoven's 250th birthday)


12/12/2020: Deadline for performance video submissions


11/28/2020: The Studio welcomes Tyrus, a new adult student.


10/31/2020: Online Halloween Recital (K-12)


October 2020: The Studio welcomes Rupal, a new adult student.


Fall 2020: Accepting new students for online lessons only.


September 2020: The Studio welcomes Christine, a new adult student.


8/31/2020: Online Summer Adult Student Recital


8/30/2020: Online Summer Student Recital (K-12)


6/3/2020: Online Spring Student Recital (K-12)


6/1/2020: Inaugural Online Spring Adult Student Recital


5/29/2020: Deadline for performance video submissions for online recital.


ISM Honors' Auditions Results: Lauren T (16) and Anton C (13) have been selected to perform at the Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall in November 2020.


3/22/2020: Due to COVID-19, the studio offers    online piano lessons until further notice.


3/13/2020: Online lessons available


3/28/2020: Washington D.C. Music Teachers Association (WMTA) Event - Anthony Chanaka Classical Festival at Jordan Kitts Music, Rockville, MD (Cancelled)


3/9/2020: Community Outreach performance - Georgetown Senior Center's Enrichment Program at St. John's Episcopal Church


2/1/2020: WMTA Adult Musicale at Steinway Gallery, North Bethesda

Peter (adult) performed Frederic Chopin's Ballade No. 3 in A-flat Major, Op. 47. 


1/26/2020: ISM Adult Student Recital at American University


1/5/2020: Young Artist Award Competition in Gaithersburg, MD

Miss Ji will serve as a jury member at the 2020 Young Artist Award Competition at Kentlands Mansion in Gaithersburg, Maryland.


12/22/2019: ISM Student Recital at American University


12/15/2019: Winter Recital at Jordan Kitt's Music


11/23/2019: WMTA Adult Judged Recital

Peter (adult) performed as a piano duo at the WMTA Adult Recital.


October 2019: The Studio welcomes a new adult student Sam, a graduate student at GW.


September 2019: The Studio welcomes seven new students -  

Brandon, Chetan, Eliana, Ethan, Malia, Max and Maya.


Spring 2019 TRINITY Piano Exam Result:

Peter (adult) successfully performed a 40-minute recital program at the Exam and earned a Licentiate (LTCL) Performance Diploma.


7/13/2019: ISM Honors Concert at the Carnegie Hall, NY

Andrea (age 11) has been selected to perform at the Carnegie Hall, NY. 


May 2019 ABRSM Piano Exam Result:

Emily (age 10) successfully passed ABRSM Exam Grade 3 with distinction.


6/15/2019: WMTA Adult Musicale - Steinway Piano Gallery, North Bethesda, MD


5/5/2019: Spring Recital - Jordan Kitt's Music, Fairfax, VA



4/16/2019: WMTA Haydn Sonata Awards Result

Andrea (age 11) was awarded honorable mention at the Junior Division.


4/8/2019: Georgetown Senior at St. John's Episcopal Church Peter performed for Georgetown Senior at the St. John's Episcopal Church in Georgetown, DC.


3/17/2019: WMTA Student Musicale

Andrea (age 10) performed at the WMTA Student Musicale.


3/7/2019: FMMC Concert at Strathmore Mansion

Alice performed piano duet works with Dr. Irina Koulikova at the Strathmore Mansion


2/9/2019: WMTA Adult Musical

Peter(adult) performed Dussek's Piano Sonata at the WMTA Adult Musical.


2/2/2019: YAA Competition in Gaithersburg, MD

Alice adjudicated at the 2019 Young Artist Awards Competition at Arts Barn in Gaithersburg, Maryland.


12/21/2018: Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater Performance

Alice and her student Andrea (age 10) performed at the Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater.


12/16/2018:Community Outreach Concert

Peter (adult) performed at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.


11/17/2018: WMTA Adult Judged Recital

Peter (adult) performed Faure's Nocturne at the WMTA Adult Recital.


November 2018 ABRSM Piano Exam Result:

Emily (age 10) successfully passed her first ABRSM Exam Grade 1 with distinction.


5/13/2018: WMTA V. Hartman Piano Awards Competition Result

Andrea (age 10): Second Prize


4/23/2018: ISM Honors Auditions Result

Both Andrea (age 10) and Annette (age 10) were selected to perform at the Honors Recital at the Strathmore Mansion on Friday, June 8, 2018.


2/11/2018: WMTA Adult Musicale

Peter (adult) performed at the WMTA Adult Musicale.


1/24/2018: ISM Honors Auditions Result

Jaden (age 13) was selected to perform at the Honors Recital at the Carnegie Hall on Saturday, March 24, 2018. 


1/17/2018: Alice's Piano Duo Performance

Alice is scheduled to perform piano duo at the Friday Morning Music Club's Jordan Kitts Concert in Rockville, MD.

=> Rescheduled for March 14, 2018.


11/11/2017: WMTA Adult Recital

An adult student's piano solo and duo performance


11/3/2017: Alice's Piano Duet Performance

Friday Morning Music Club's Concert Series at Calvery Baptist Church, Washington D.C.


10/22/2017: WMTA Student Musicale

Students performed at the WMTA Student Musicale.


10/20/2017: Masterclass Application Result

My student has been accepted as a student performer at Dr. Michael Angelucci's Masterclass on October 29th.



Now Accepting Students for Summer - Fall 2017/Spring 2018 Lessons


5/20/2017: WMTA Adult Student Musicale

Peter performed both piano solo and duo works at the Steinway Gallery Hall.


4/7/2017: Alice's Performance

Alice Ji will perform at the Friday Morning Music Club Mini Concert Series at the Jordan Kitt's Music in Rockville, MD.


2/4/2017: Adjudication

Alice Ji adjudicated at the 2017 Young Artist Awards Competition - Piano division - in Kentlands Mansion (Gaithersburg, MD).


1/21/2017: ISM Honors Auditions Result

Caylin(age 13) and Jaden(age 12) performed at the Weill Recital Hall at the Carnegie Hall as a winner of ISM Honors Auditions. 


1/6/2017: ALice's Performance

Alice Ji performed at the Friday Morning Music Club's Concert Series at the historic Calvary Baptist Church in Washington DC.



© 2019 by Alice Ji's Piano Studio in Arlington, VA



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